Friday, August 24, 2018

Captain America #1 -2


Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates
Penciled by Leinil Francis Yu
Covers by Alex Ross
Published July 4 and August 1, 2018

   Months previously, some Hydra soldiers drive through the Russian mountains when they come upon a lone woman in the street. They blast her with automatic rifles but it’s no use. Selene the External hungers for souls and the Power Elite are more than willing to get them for her.
   Meanwhile, America reels after Hydra’s near takeover. Several clones of Nuke kill aimlessly in the name of a clearly misguided freedom but Cap and Bucky Barnes are more than willing to help put them down. After the skirmish is over, Sharon Carter lands a medvac and the trio whisk survivors to safety.
   In the aftermath, Thunderbolt Ross arrives and talks with the former SHIELD assets. They discuss current events and it's revealed that going forward, Carter is on the team, but they'd rather not use Cap. Later that night, the couple discusses their lives together and Sharon explains she needs Steve to be there for her. He in turn goes on several vigilante missions as Selene publicly executes a Hydra soldier in front of a Russian crowd.
   Across the country, Captain America continues with his rogue missions. He wins each battle rather handedly until eventually General Ross meets with him, asking him to stop. Clearly the government isn't ready for Steve Rogers yet.
   That night Cap trains in his holo-gym. Sharon comes down and they have a heart to heart. She asks him to go easy on himself for awhile, as she'll be out of town chasing a top secret lead for Ross. With that, Rogers finds himself back in the holo-gym, ready to train. This time against some of the greatest fighters in history. What happens next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued...
   So I didn't read the Free Comic Book Day release of this fresh start arc, so I don't know exactly what's going on with the Duke clones or Selene, but I'll catch on soon enough. Either way, after such amazin work from Mark Waid, I didn't expect much here. For once, I'm glad to be wrong. This series picks up right on the quality of Waid's Cap and I think has the chance to deliver that much more. Well written and good art, I like thie book's direction. I give these two a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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