Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Guardians of the Galaxy #150


Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Aaron Kuder
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Jan 3, 2018

   Old school Adam Warlock declares it's time. He skips a pebble across a lake where another version sees mass death. He wakes from a nightmare but realizes he's still inside the soul gem. Meanwhile the undercover Raptors in the Nova Corps prepare for battle when they're met by the good Novas, including the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Here comes trouble.

   As their being bombarded, Rocket exits the Rock but can't fire through the Raptors' shields. Suddenly Ant-Man has an idea. He tells Adsit he can go subatomic and phase through as a photon of light. He does so and attacks Talonar on the bridge. As the troops approach, he giant sizes himself exploding the Raptor's ship, later being retrieved by Rocket.

Oh, so now THIS is happening... Great.

   Back on the Rock, Talon-M transmits that Star Lord is aware of the Power Stone's location. He's beheaded by Gamora immediately. Meanwhile Rich Rider lands and tells the Guardians about the Gardener while they all discuss the Ultron planet and finding the Infinity Stones. Suddenly, Drax quits. As a pacifist, he cannot keep killing. Star Lord brings him to the location of the Power Stone and introduces him to Eve. Drax will be free to find himself while watching the stone in the process.

Just me, my stones, and nobody looking for us. Right?

   Unfortunately, the location of the stone is known by others, as the Skrulls, the Ultron clones, and the Chitauri all plan to search for it. Back in the soul stone, Warlock informs the tiny part of Gamora trapped there that he's leaving, but cannot take her with him. She tells him it's a prison and he tells her he might be back. With that he breaks out of his cocoon and runs right into Kang? What's happened in Warlock's absence? What's the conqueror doing here? Unfortunately we'll have to wait as this series is concluded.. but this issue is left to be continued.

It's about time you woke up, Warlock.

   So the Guardians of the Galaxy ends again. I mean really at this point, I'm used to it. Through the years I've seen the series wrap at least 3 times and that's been in recent memory. I understand they're all moving on in Infinity Countdown but I'm frustrated that they couldn't just do that in issue #151. This was a good series and Gerry Duggan was hitting his stride. Either way, I'm sure I'll get lost and not where to go next. It was fun while it lasted. I give this issue a 9/10.

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