Monday, April 24, 2017

The Punisher #10

Written by Becky CloonanPenciled by Matt Horak
Cover by Declan Shalvey
Published Mar 15, 2017

   Olaf and the boss stand on the dock at Condor HQ. Droning on and on about the future of distributing EMC, Olaf bursts his bubble saying he's a soldier, not a drug dealer. The boss asks if he took care of Face and he said that yes, the EMC would take him out in due time. Meanwhile, Face is slowly bleeding to death out of every oriface in the back of DEA Agent Ortiz's car. Previously, she'd promised him a quick death if he showed her where Condor's base was located. Losing consciousness, he gives her clues which steers her closer and closer.
   Back on the deck, some goons mock one of the female mercs for getting her face blown off by the Punisher. She fights back, telling them that the Punisher is a dangerously cruel in what he does to bad guys, and he'll be there soon enough to deal with them. As they walk into the woods to relieve the previous patrol, they follow the tracks to where they suddenly stop. Looking up, their fellow guards' bodies hang upside down from the trees. They radio their discovery in that "the Punisher is HERE!". There riding in on Ethel's motorcycles is Frank Castle, armed with a hatchet. He buries it in some skulls and pulls out a bear trap on a chain. Swinging it from the chopper, he tears the faces off the goons with it. Later he burns on of them to death on the motorcycles carborator and hits another few with the axe.
   Spotted by more guards, he tears one of their arms off with the bear trap and blows him away with a shotgun. Opening the seacan filled with EMC, he's nearly ambushed but manages to get the jump on two more Condor employees. He walks by a guard shack and hears a woman's voice asking for help. There, the woman who had the face injury puts on a hostage act, and once Frank gets too close, she pops him in the neck with a syringe.
   The issue wraps with the boss addressing the organization with a pep talk, on how they're priming to take over. He tells them that they won't be soldiers anymore - just push the product on the streets. Together, they'll do great things. His speech is interrupted by a gunshot though. Olaf tells him they're soldiers - not drug dealers. Under his leadership, Condor has taken steps back. He blows him away and tells the crew to dump him overboard. Olaf tells them all that Condor will flex it's muscles... take the power back.. And it starts with killing the Punisher. The final page reveals Frank Castle restrained with a pistol pointed at his head. He's in trouble. But what becomes of him will have to wait as we're left to be continued.
   I've dogged this series out in the past and to be honest, it's still pretty basic. It's about how I remember all the Punisher books though. This Condor story has dragged on now for 10 issues with no evidence it's gonna slow down. In the past, they'd have thrown Daredevil and maybe Spider-Man in the mix but not here, not yet. Violent to almost the point of ridiculousness, I give this one a 6/10 with hopes they'll step it up a notch in the near future. 

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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