Wednesday, April 19, 2017

All New X-Men #19

Written by Dennis Hopeless
Penciled by Paco Diaz
Cover by Mark Bagley
Published Mar 29, 2017

   As Idie and Evan reminisce about the end of an era upon them, Iceman's boyfriend makes fun of him for not knowing what a campground barbecue pit is. Trying to figure out how to light it, Angel flies down with wings aflame, and sets fire to the entire area. They ask him where he's been the last few days and he tells them he's been wiping out a human trafficking ring with Wolverine up in the hills somewhere. Without warning, the Blackbird lands and an unexpected guest walks out.
   Cyclops blasts an old stationwagon that the hotel owner said was used for target practice when that special guest comes walking up. Jean Gray gives him a hug and they share a moment. Cyclops laments Emma Frost starting so much trouble in his life and then escaping scot free. He asks Jean what she's doing there and she tells him Hank asked her to be there for a secret meeting. He suddenly remembers the meeting invite as well, and the two go running.
   Beast thanks the original five for being able to gather, and he explains his recent run in with Doctor Strange and budding use of sorcery. He tells them to close their eyes but Jean peeks, seeing the room aglow and Hank morphes into some huge monster. When the room settles, they see their back in Westchester in the past they were picked from. Scott erupts in joy while the others react with disdain. Hank should have explained. He tells them they'll all understand soon. He tells Pickles to bring them to the bank and there they're teleported to a robbery. Unus the Untouchable walks out. Scott tells them he knows how to beat him now but Hank restrains him. He tells him to wait a moment and it'll all make sense.
   The original X-Men, complete in classic unis fly out and attack. Scott is heartbroken. How can this be? Hank explains that this can't be their timeline. He pulls them back to the present and Scott continues to not believe it. He tells Hank to bring them somewhere else and he explains he doesn't know where that is. He storms out with Jean closely in tow. Cyclops goes out to blow up the car some more, asking her where do we go from here. She says they go forward. He moves to kiss her and they share an awkward moment. She explains that wouldn't be moving forward and he understands. They walk back to the group where Jean quietly asks Beast what that weird morphing thing was. He tells her it wasn't any of her business and the team pulls out some tunes. Instead of baseball, like some other x-titles slowed out with, they have an impromptu X-Men dance party. And with that, this series comes to an end.
   It's bittersweet to see this title wrap. I remember about 40 or 50 some odd issues or so when Uncanny X-Men ended the first time and this was the replacement title. But from Bendis to Hopeless, it seems like a good time to wrap this up. I've already gotten a chance to check out X-Men Blue and if you like this team, the majority of them continue on. I don't know what happens to Idie or Kid Apocalypse but I don't really care. Either way, this was an apt send off, and I give this final issue an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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