Thursday, April 13, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #6

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Alex Maleev
Cover by Alex Maleev
Published March 29, 2017

   A lifetime ago at State College, a young Victor Von Doom is annoyed at his classmate Reed Richards offering to look over his work. Explaining to him he doubts he'd understand it, they're interrupted by school jock Ben Grimm asking why Reed even talks to Victor in the first place. Reed asks him about rumor he's working on a machine to talk with the dead in hopes of contacting his long lost mother. Doom gets upset, and although Reed compliments his work, he accuses him of trying to sabotage and eventually mock the future supervillain.
   Flash forward to today and Wizard tells Modok that the new Iron Man inspired Doom is a big problem. Allowing SHIELD to capture the Mad Thinker, he thinks they should get the old Intelligentcia band back together before sneaking in behind him stands Iron Doom himself. He tries to counter Doom's attack with a more improved glove design, which although not powerful enough to defeat him, turns out to be a diversion. Somehow making his anti-gravity tech immune to sorcery, Iron Man is shot through the roof. He disengages his boots and silently falls to earth, using his hand blasters to stop him at the last second. Meanwhile, someone on the SHIELD helicarrier informs Commander Carter that Doom is on the grid in Pennsylvania while he fights Wizard. For a moment he's distracted and Wizard attacks him from behind. Suddenly,  we see Reed Richards and Victor's mother Cynthia watching the battle from some far off dimension. She wants to run to him before Reed argues against it. Back on Earth, Director Carter tries to arrest Doom but but he makes small talk and manages to stall her long enough for his armor to come back online. He blasts off into the sky, evading her "shoot to kill" order and escapes.
   The issue concludes in Chicago, where RiRi Williams watches news footage of some Iron Man like figure being confronted by SHIELD agents. As her mother calls her for dinner, she says she's going out and will just grab something to eat later. And with that, we're left to be continued.
   I think I said it before, but if Brian Michael Bendis wants to write a Fantastic Four book so bad, why don't they just publish one? It doesn't make a lot of sense to exile Tony Stark just so Reed Richards and the Thing could fight Dr. Doom again. Still, I enjoy it. It reminds me an awful lot of when Doc Ock was in Peter Parker's body a few years ago, and I dug that storyline too. I look forward to what happens next and I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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