Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Spider-Man #3

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils by Sara Pichelli
Cover by Sara Pichelli
Published Apr 6, 2016

   Miles' grandmaw comes over and straight up wrecks it - insulting his dad, taking his phone and grounding him. He goes to his room and sulks. Even one of his friends, Lana Baumgartner comes by and she runs her off. As she's walking down the sidewalk, Miles' dad storms out going down the other way... But walking towards the Brooklyn brownstone is none other than Ms Marvel.
   She sneaks in and tells him that he missed an Avengers' meeting. He explains to her that he forgot, as well as the news that he's grounded. Grandmaw hear's him talking to himself, storms in and Ms. Marvel shrinks down to the size of the Wasp. She listens to the conversation and agrees - Miles should study. Meanwhile in the Bronx, Black Cat walks into the old gangster Hammerhead's pub, roughs up his goons, and tells him she's putting a bounty on this new Spider-Man's head. After some coercing, he's in - setting up next issues conflict... wait for it... purrrrfectly. Ok ok, sorry.
   Back at the Brooklyn Visions Academy, Miles' teacher leads a lecture on what a mutant vs an inhuman is, due to the fact they have a new student in class - former X-Man Fabio Medina, aka Goldballs. Ganke, fresh off of passing notes wondering why his best friend isn't ansering his calls, is thrilled. What's gonna happen next issue? Guess we gotta wait to find out.
   I really like the way Bendis is making this version of Spidey sort of mirror Peter's origin. I guess replace Aunt May with this grandmother and gets a lot spicier. I hope I didn't spot some Lana-Baumgartner=New Mary-Jane, because that's kind of lame. Either way, he's definitely one of my favorite current writers and even though this issue was pretty brief and slim, it's still quality work. 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks for watching!

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