Monday, October 31, 2016

All New Wolverine #7

Written by Tom Taylor
Penciled by Marcio Takara
Cover by Bengal
Published April 27, 2016

   The issue opens with a flashback - Laura standing in the rain and begging Logan not to go. She explains that her teammates at the institute don't like her. He tells her he remembers walking in there for the first time... He had a hard go of it too. He asks her to trust him and drives away. She then wakes up in the apartment with someone clawing at the door, who turns out to be Squirrel Girl and an actual live wolverine.
   She explains that there were some gun toting criminals in a car that crashed into a tree, knocking the tree over and upsetting a family of squirrels. The squirrel patriarch is missing and since Wolverine was responsible for crashing the car, its up to her to help right the situation.
   Gabby suits up to go too, but Laura tells her she can't - in a scene reminiscent to Logan leaving her. So the two of them run off to find the squirrel which turns out to be in an apartment building. Somewhere along the mission, there's a selfie and there's a kid who's hoping it's actually the real Wolverine, and this and that... And Laura apologizes to Gabby for leaving her, and blah blah blah.
   That's really about it. That's the gist of this issue. Luckily a lot of these books I review are on Marvel Unlimited, because if I'd actually paid money for this book, I'd be disappointed. In fact,, if the next issue of this title is as bad as this one, I'm giving up on this book. I give it a 4/10 and it's on the chop block. Hopefully they can turn around what should be a pretty bad ass character.

If you like this description, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks for reading!


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