Friday, October 21, 2016

Justice League #6

Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Matthew Clark and Tom Derenick
Cover by Tony Daniel
Published Oct 5, 2016

   The issue opens with the Justice League fighting all these black tube deals and it's making all of them irrationally scared. Some of them cower, but some of them rise up against them - most of all Green Lantern Jessica. They form a chain by joining hands and the threat is neutralized. They later all go their separate ways agreeing to meet up later, but not before Batman asks to talk to Superman, who bails on him, and Jessica asking Flash out on a date.
   She's getting ready in her apt and having serious reservations from what to wear to whether she should even go at all. Meanwhile Barry makes it back to his apartment, showers, arrives to the restaurant, changes, and heads back up there all in the span of about 3 minutes. She freaks out when she sees him leaving but he shows back up with flowers - which all have been town off the stems during his running. While this is going on, we see in 2 vignettes that Superman and Batman are both irritable in their own home situations. Back at the restaurant, Flash starts turning into a huge dick, touching her hand causing her to freak out and lantern blast the waiter. She runs into the freezer and somehow Flash phases through the wall. She blasts him through it and presumably runs away... i don't really know.
   The final scene is back at the Kent house, where Lois tells Clark he's been acting weird. She says something about Batman and he yells "DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT BATMAN" and knocks a bunch of tableware over. He then says he's going to go and kill him, which actually made me laugh hysterically.
   I don't know what it was about this issue, but I loved it. All of the Justice League turned into huge assholes, I suppose from whatever exposure they got from the big fear tube things. I've mentioned before how I like it when comics let their characters get some r&r. When they're yelling and being mean to each other - well now... there's a story! I give it a 9/10.

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