Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy #1-5: Now It's Us


Written by Al Ewing
Penciled by Juan Cabal, Belen Ortega, Chris Sprouse, et al.
Published Jan-Aug 2020

   After a very short rest, Nova shows up begging the Guardians for help again. Unfortunately half of them are only up for it. So Quill, Rocket, Phyla and Moondragon are in. Sadly for them, it ends in only a half success.. Peter Quill is lost in a planetary explosion. 
   So the rest of the Guardians continue on, this group lead by Gamora. They take a job “supposedly” to kill Rocket from a gigantic beaver. Obviously they choose against it in the end, but the story concludes with Moondragon from this universe fighting with one from a parallel universe. They end up merging... I think. BUt what comes next for these 2 teams? We’re gonna have to wait to find out.
   So we all know that StarLord can’t be dead, right? I’m gonna just assume that’s not the case and we’ll wait to see what comes down the road. Meanwhile, the GOTG gang wastes no time jumping right back into the action and I’m glad to have them back. 9/10.

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