Monday, December 14, 2020

Dead Man Logan #6-12


Written by Ed Brisson
Penciled by Mike Henderson
Published Apr-Oct 2019

   I've had this one sitting around for awhile. My print subscription ran out on it and for reasons unknown, I didn't re-up. but now that I've had some time to digest it all, it's on Marve Unlimited for everyone's viewing pleasure.
   After dealing with Mysterio in the present, Old Man Logan finds himself back in the Wastelands, now ready to fight the demons he left to travel back in time... I guess. For some reason. But although that is a little bit flawed in design, it made for a pretty good story nonetheless. Luke Cage's daughter Dani and Baby Hulk are a little older now, but they're a sight for sore eyes when trying to escape some cannibals willing to eat you, as well as eventually defeat a Sabretooth clone because hey - why not?
   With a final showdown against a Ron Jeremy looking, now very crippled Mr Sinister, Old Man Logan ends his run watching Dani pick up Mjolnir and become Thor. My only complaint was that when he finaly succumbs to his old age, there's no foreshadowy reunions in Wasteland Heaven. Instead the series - and character - ends with words from Dani and Hulk Jr. Ed Brisson missed a really good chance to tie up one of Brian Michael Bendis' last gifts from his Marvel run. Either way, I'll take it. It was a well deserved ending for an awesome character and some really rad storytelling to boot. I give this one a 9/10.

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