Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man #37-43: Threats and Menaces


Written by Nick Spencer
Penciled by Ryan Ottley and Iban Coello
Published Jan-May 2020

   Now seeking alternative employment, J Jonah Jameson finds himself at the new aggregate Threats and Menaces, a buzzfeed-esque sensationalist rag that decides to give the former Bugle editor his own podcast.  And his very first guest? None other than Spider-Man himself. In between the challenging interview, Chance is sent to beat the webslinger from the Palace. Thanks for allowing the Foreigner to be beaten by the house, the supervillain finds himself trying to throw the fight.
   Later, Spidey and new roomate Boomerang are forced to battle through midtown's sewers due to a rift between them and Mayor Fisk. There they run into Gog, an alien monster sent to Earth to scatter pieces of some.. thing. I don't know. Either way, they beat him and Spider-Man uses Pym particles to shrink him into being their new pet.


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