Saturday, August 8, 2020

Doctor Strange #18-20: The Choice


Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Jesus Saiz and Javier Pena
Published Aug-Oct 2019

This is how I walk into strangers houses as well.

   The last three issues of this particular series, Issues 18-20 feature essentially three one shot stories. In the first, Doctor Strange happens upon a Kansas family awaiting their daughter's return from a skating tournament. Instead a demon ravages their house, but thanks to the homeowner's knowledge of plumbing, they're able to send the monster back to it's realm and the Doctor leaves this family with quite a tale to tell their friends.

Sorry for tearing up your house. BYE!

   Next up, a mother and her young son get into a terrible car accident thanks to a playful and malicious ghost. Strange is forced to operate. He summons Channok, Keeper of the Forbidden Spells and has a decision to make. In return for healing his hands, there's a 50/50 chance he will lose all connection to magic entirely. Luckily for him and the boy, he's healed, and the operation is a success. But now with a healed Stephen Strange, what lies ahead for the Sorcerer Supreme?

Hope your kids ok. BYE!

   With a renewed sense of purpose, he decides to make his way back to the operating room. Only problem is that there's been significant advancements in medicine since his life changing accident. To learn them quickly, he summons Kanna - who is busy with a fight of her own.

Aw man, I miss Bats.

   She pulls him through a portal and after doing his best to stabilize one of the injured locals, uses his own magic to fight Chondar the Disgraced. Using some quick thinking, he distracts the demon long enough to use his cloak to run it through. With the monster contained, he's able to work with Kanna to infuse the medical knowledge he will need going forward. With that, the Surgeon Supreme is ready to start working on people again - but we'll have to wait to see what happens, as this story arc and series has come to a final conclusion.

Strange Surgeon Sorcerer Supreme. 

   So when I found out this series was ending, I was worried Mark Waid would be leaving. Imagine my surprise when I learned that not only was he staying on, but he'd also bring Doctor Strange back to the operating room?! The possibilities for this are endless and I can't wait to see where he takes things. I give this story a 10/10. 

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book below:

Doctor Strange #18 (SOLD)
Doctor Strange #19 (SOLD)
Doctor Strange #20 (SOLD)

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