Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Amazing Spider-Man #30-31: Absolute Carnage


Written by Nick Spencer
Penciled by Ryan Ottley
Published Sept-Oct 2019

   In a prelude of sorts, Kindred breaks into Norman Osborn's psychiatric hospital and spawns one of his creepy centipedes to take over the madman. Fooling him into thinking he's famed serial killer Cletus Cassidy, Spidey thinks back to how it's his fault the original symbiote made it back to earth in the first place. But for now he has bigger fish to fry. Carnage Norman wants the codices of his grandson Normie and Dylan Brock, son of Venom Eddie Brock.

   The fight is a brutal one, with 
Pete replaying memories in his head of simpler times. But with everything he lost, for all the lives he's destroyed, how much of it was actually his own fault? Trying to snap out of it, Norman is clearly conflicted. Talking to himself all the while, the Kindred parasite is taking a toll on the former Green Goblin. But it's the resolve of a greater strength in Peter Parker that keeps him from giving up. He fights back and in the end is able to beat the symbiote clone down. Spider-Man stands victorious over the Carnage controlled Norman but the fight is far from over. Although this small two shot tie-in is finished, the battle continues in Absolute Carnage. 

   So as I said in my previous blog, the Absolute Carnage reading order meanders over an absurd number of books. How much these two issues contributed is obviously minimal, but is still short enough to tell a complete story. Nick Spencer keeps up the good work and is able to shine a little more light on what happened when Spidey wore the black suit. Was it worth it? Maybe not for him, but for us, it made for some stellar reading material. I give these two a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Amazing Spider-Man #30 (Already Sold)
Amazing Spider-Man #31 (Already Sold)

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