Friday, August 7, 2020

Captain America #13-19: The Legend of Steve


Written by Ta-Nehesi Coates
Penciled by Sean Izaakse, Jason Masters, and Bob Quinn, 
Published Aug 2019-Feb 2020

   As his redemption tour continues, Captain America and the Daughters of Liberty go on a mission to liberate some immigrants at the border. Before their captors escape, Sharon Carter is able to determine that the baddies are the Watchdogs, some of Cap's oldest enemies.

   After some heavy hitting, they discover the Watchdogs HQ. But unfortunately at the back of the cave - some more of Cap's enemies await. AIM begins executing hostages and later pulling them through a portal. Luckily daughter White Tiger is able to quickly get into a fight with Red Skull's daughter Sin, and the hostages are safe.

   Later Cap meets with attorney Bernie Rosenthal, who explains that the recent cop killings in the news are no accident. Angel Larimore was killed to keep something from getting out. With some intel, he discovers some footage of the raid where they died, but while it's brutal in it's own right, it reveals a new enemy they're fighting... Scourge.

   Following a tip, they happen into what they think is a Scourge hideout. Unfortunately it turns out to be an ambush by USAgent, a former Captain America who still thinks Steve is with Hydra. Eventually he reveals that Scourge isn’t just a man, he’s an idea. The team works to put two and two together right as Mayor Wilson Fisk is seemingly assassinated. 

   To get to the bottom of everything, Cap and Misty Knight go and visit Tony Larimore, brother of the NYPD victim. They’re barely able to put a theory together when the Watchdogs attack, killing Tony. Later the assassins are taken out by Scourge himself. But luckily, Sharon and her team are able to deductively name a suspect - Former special forces soldier Antony Diaz.

   Cap and the Daughters of Liberty raid a halfway house and quell a riot. Afterwards, a cop gives him some intel on where Scourge is holded up. He and his team infiltrate the location and after carefully avoiding some rather nasty gun turrets, they find Diaz but he's able to leap in front of the guns to kill himself. However with one down, there's always another perp willing to pick up the mantle.

   The story ends with Cap finally getting some information on old flame Peggy Carter. It turns out that the Daughters of Liberty have existed for generations. Now their secret leader is revealed as Peggy herself. Problem is there's more pressing matters to attend to. Sharon Carter is currently partially trapped in a soul stone of sorts. Saving her will be the next mission.. But as for that one, we'll have to wait. As this story finally comes to a conclusion.

   For such a well written book, this series continues to be disrespected with vastly different artists. So much so, that it's distracting and irritating. Ta-Nehesi Coates may not be my favorite political commentator, but his comic book writing skills are unrivaled. With more consistent artwork, this book would be untouchable. But with the revolving door of whomever is available still spinning, I don't see Marvel giving this any shots in the arm that it might deserve. I give this story an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book below:

Captain America #16 (Sorry, Already Sold)
Captain America #17 (Sorry, Already Sold)
Captain America #18 (Sorry, Already Sold)
Captain America #19 (Sorry, Already Sold)

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