Tuesday, February 4, 2020

X-Force #7-10: The Counterfeit King


Written by Ed Brisson
Penciled by Dylan Burnett
Published May-July 2019

   With Kid Cable abducted by Stryfe and transported to the future, X-Force knows time is of the essence. Deathlok struggles to get the time portal working as the man known as Nathan Dayspring continues to be tortured by his clone. Meanwhile, the Cronen keep Rachel Summers in flux. Eventually they crack her, and are able to message Clan Aksani to return to Ebonshire where the MLA will be waiting to butcher them.

"Come on dudes, I"m sure we'll be safe over here...."

   With Cable's technovirus overtaking him, X-Force is able to transport just in time to see one of Rachel's fake messages. They head to Ebonshire, where they eventually encounter Blaquesmith and deduce what Stryfe's plan is, but are subsequently attacked by the Mutant Liberation Army. The fight is tough but with MLA eventually beginning to wain, Stryfe decides he no longer need's Rachel and wants to kill everybody with the quickness.

Big Metallica fan, Stryfe?

   As their initial battle winds down, Deathlock cuts Cable out of his technovirus prison just as Stryfe has made it to Ebonshire. But they won't be alone. Now psychically released, Rachel is contacted by her future self, and reveals what is actually happening. Renewed with strength and anger, she springs into battle against her former captors and makes pretty quick work out of all of them.

Well, that was easy.

   Cable talks her into sparing Stryfe. They imprison him in the future and wipe his mind. Now that the battle's won, Cable bids Clan Chosen goodbye, including future girlfriend Aaliyah. They power up the portal and walk through. With that, this story and series comes to a conclusion - but lucky for us, more stories about X-Force and their now younger leader are just beginning...

With a wink and a nod....

   I'm sad to see this series end because I really think they'd just hit quite an amazing run. X-Force's classic lineup without Cable felt weird but having them lead by a younger version of him, plus fresh off the events of killing old Cable during Extermination - well it all just made sense. The artwork was interesting and the story sharp, I was pleased with it from start to finish. I give this arc a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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