Friday, February 14, 2020

Deadpool #13-15


Written by Skottie Young
Penciled by Nik Klein and Scott Hepburn
Published June-July 2019


   The War of the Realms has finally came to the pages of Deadpool, where he decides it would be best to join the front in Australia. Joining him are the very hastily created Nancy Nuke, Captain Outback and the Tasmanian Devil - although whom for fears of violating Warner Bros copyright, remains mostly unmentioned. Either way, Ulik - Asgard's most feared troll leader, readies his troops and is ready to lay waste upon every living creature on the continent.

Don't look TOO savage. You're not in an issue of Avengers or anything...

   With his new team ready to attack, Deadpool and company charge into the fray. Though originally not as deadly as they thought, the battle ramps up immeasurably when they find Luke Cage, Daredevil and Iron Fist on the other side of the parking lot. Overhearing a few jokey quips about Lord of the Rings, Daredevil runs to Ulik's hideout and convinces them all to go to New Zealand instead. With the war seemingly over, Deadpool thinks everything is finished, but he soon learns he's been negotiating with Ulik the Conquerable. Ulik the Unconquerable is still mad. Resigned to let fellow writer Jason Aaron handle it, Deadpool jumps ship to try and conclude his own series with one final issue.

It's ok. Jason Aaron can do your dirty work.

   Wade has a Bachelor-themed nightmare in which he finds himself face to face with all of the villains Skottie Young created. One by one they're all killed by Good Night, until Wade wakes up and Mephisto arises from a boiling kiddie pool on the roof of his apartment complex. He pulls Deadpool into hell and explains that his old nemesis Weasel is off the hook. Instead, he wants Deadpool to be his new assassin.

Tempting offer, but...

   In order to make the merc do his dirty business, he reminds Deadpool that he has a daughter. Revealing to him her future life, she becomes a vigilante like him, fighting alongside Good Night. But if for any reason Wade refuses Mephisto, Ellie will instead become the devil's soul collector. Not ever wanting this to happen, he runs away from hell and into Ellie's backyard, where he has a tearful reunion with his daughter under the watchful eye of Agent Preston.

Oh wow. Last time we saw Preston, she was a chopped up android.

   Deadpool gives his daughter some advice, and then joins Mephisto. But after what appears to be weeks of regaling Bachelorette recaps and Golden Girl references, the demon lord expels him from hell. Deadpool is back. but what does that mean for our hero? We'll have to wait to see as this arc and series comes to a final conclusion.

15 Issues. That's enough. Byeee!

   So I don't know what to think about this. Gerry Duggan was known to break the fourth wall in his DP run, but Scottie Young fervently celebrates it almost nonstop. Though that's not necessarily a bad thing. Ryan Reynolds does it in the movies constantly. Either way, this series had some cool parts to it as well as a couple of duds. You take the good with the bad I guess. Can't wait to see what's next for Wade. I give this couple of issues an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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