Thursday, February 13, 2020

Immortal Hulk #18-21: Abomination


Written by Al Ewing
Penciled by Joe Bennett and Ryan Bodenheim
Published May-July 2019

   While Doc Samson awakens in the remains of Shadow Base, Banner leaps into the mind of yet another alter ego. Joe Fixit pulls into a Reno motel but any chance for sleep is dashed rather quickly. The new Abomination attacks viciously, but Hulk is able to see Rick Jones' deformed face  morphing in and out of the monster. Meanwhile, Betty Banner reveals herself as Harpy to reporter Jackie McGee, begging for help to find Bruce. Problem though is that she's not alone, as Doc explains to Alpha Flight that Hulk's ultimate goal is to end the human race.

Oh well that's no big deal. Right?

   Back outside the hotel, Abomination and Hulk's fight intensifies. But now, the monster is able to secrete an acid which manages to devitalize Hulk's skin, disrupting his ability to heal. Around the perimeter, General Fortean's men murder a witness trying to flee, which is unfortunately for them, seen by Harpy. She butchers them in retaliation, later stalking the surrounding compound until she's seen on the General's monitor care of Abomination. Hulk hears her voice and begs for help, which she subsequently ignores, tearing out the monster's heart and then disgustingly eating it.

Ewwwwwww, gross!

   With yet another nightmarish vision dead Bruce Banner sees, the Hulk is brought back to life. After Harpy continues tearing Abomination apart, Hulk describes to Jackie that by killing him, he basically resets. Meanwhile, General Fortean sends in the war wagons, but they all quickly find out that a couple of hulks make for pretty good fight. Later, Hulk peels the shriviled husk of rick Jones out of the monster and the forces retreat, seeing Alpha Flight popping up on a radar and heading in to investigate.

Welp, time to bounce.

   Determined not to allow his Abomination suit to fall into the wrong hands, General Fortean dons the former Thunderbolt Ross's Redeemer Armor. He beams up to Alpha Flight's space station and begins incapacitating and killing them, including Doc Samson and Walter Langkowski. He then retrieves the suit and returns home, later allowing it to engulf him. Now a powered military mind with the might to bring down Hulk, the General is ready to get his revenge. But we'll have to wait to find out because this story has unfortunately come to an end.

I'm sure this is fine.. right?

   So this series continues to rack up the awards and with good reason. I could have never expected Al Ewing to remain at the helm of this book for as long as he has, but I'm glad he's still here. As one of Marvel's most storied characters, Hulk's story has been told a lot. It takes a creative genius to write for a legacy title, and Joe Bennett's artwork continues to support it perfectly. I don't know where this series will end up, but I hope it keeps on going and going. I give this one a 10/10.

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