Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man #4-5


Written by Nick Spencer
Penciled by Ryan Ottley
Covers by Ryan Ottley
Published Aug 22 and Sept 12, 2018

   In his secret lair, former Norman Osborne partner Mendel Stromm laments the fact his Tri-Sentinel has somehow taken flight. At the controls is none other than Spider-Man, whom now split from the responsible Peter Parker, systematically destroys Midtown. Sadly for Pete, all he can do is watch. Tired of sitting on the sidelines, he hails Spidey via Uber, but after hitching a ride on his self, the webslinger has had enough hearing about what he should be doing. 

Well how do you like THIS?!

   After about an hour, the webbing dissolves and Pete heads to the University for some answers. Doctor Connors informs him that the two mice they’d previously split using the genome accelerator have unexpectedly died due to being apart from each other for so long..

It was a broken heart, Pete...

   Knowing he'll have to figure out a way to steal it, he loudly talks in his apartment about the valuable piece of equipment until Boomerang overhears him. The careless villain later loads it up in a van which is then counter-stolen by Pete. He moves to blast Spider-Man with it when he's distracted by Mendel's giant sentinel robot army overhead.

Well that's something you don't see everyday. Unless you're in a comic book. Then... you know, it is..

   Pete is nearly killed in an explosion. He wisely uses it as a distraction, later firing up the accelerator. The two individual psyches are molded back together, and a now unified and more responsible Spider-Man zips into action to stop the other robots with a hand from his own.

Back in Blue... and Red!

   Unfortunately for Stromm Mendel, the tech support to create his new army came with a price. The disembodied voice has a body after all - and surrounded by scary bug-like monsters. When Spidey gets to the dying scientist, he continues repeating the words "Guess my name" as all of the robots overhead self destruct.

Say my name, say my name...

   The issue wraps with Taskmaster and Black Ant making the startling discovery that SHIELD is no more. The prison wall is punctured and the two villains make their daring escape? And who's responsible for the breakout? None other than Kraven the Hunter. What's going to happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.


   Wow - what a story. I was pretty worried once Dan Slott was pulled off his favorite hero and assigned to Iron Man. But now, it looks like my concerns were all for naught. Nick Spencer is the real deal. While he may not have hit that Slot-stride just yet, it's pretty clear that big things are right around the corner. I can't wait to see where he takes it. I give these two issues a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of these books HERE and HERE..

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