Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #70-74: Sinister War

 Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #70-74: Sinister War

   Finally, the Kindred saga comes to a close. After teasing it for 3 years, we finally find out the answer - sorta. Though to follow it completely, Marvel once again tricks you into having to buy another 2-3 related books (which after reading, were completely unnecessary). We thought all along that this Kindred fellow was former Spidey frenemy Harry Osborn. His presence materialized thanks to his father Norman using his soul as a bartering chip. Turns out it was his infant stillborn twin siblings..? I guess? And then it turns out somehow it's Mephisto who's pulling the strings thanks to some uncooperative punishment for Doctor Strange? I dunno. It gets a little confusing.
   In the end, we see Mysterio is back and he kidnaps MJ though it totally is irrelevant to the story. His reanimated siblings end up killing the cloned Harry and yada yada yada, Spider-Man is free to swing through the city with Mary Jane in his arms. I guess all is right in the world? Now maybe can we get to some less confusing arcs? This whole long, drawn out thing was a doozie.

To see my last Amazing Spider-Man reviews, click HERE

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