Monday, January 23, 2023

Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #67-69: Chameleon Conspiracy

 Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #67-69: Chameleon Conspiracy

   Spider-Man's life is obviously always complicated - and this chapter once again just serves to reinforce that fact. First of all, Ned Leeds is back. He took a ton of Goblin serum from his time as the hobgoblin and managed to survive a murder attempt. Second off, he knocked up Betty Brant. While Spidey doesn't know if he can trust him - yet, his sister Theresa Parker is being tormented by the Chameleon on the truth behind her parents' murder. Also, fellow Empire State University student Jaime still can't get that whole Clairvoyant doodad out of his life. The Finisher wants it but in the end,  Spidey and Ned save the day. Awesome stuff as usual from Nick Spencer and company.

For my previous Amazing Spider-Man review, click HERE

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