Friday, November 6, 2020

New Mutants #1-7


Written by Jonathan Hickman and Ed Brisson 
Penciled by Rod Reid, Flaviano, and Marco Failla
Published Oct 2019 - Feb 2020

 So the first 7 issues of this book are two different stories. That kind of thing usually annoys me, but this time, it totally worked. Basically Sunspot misses Cannonball, who is in space. So he gets a group of mostly original New Mutants to head off to rescue him. Guest starring the Starjammers, Gladiator, and lots Sh'air stuff that usually irritates me, this one was pretty solid.
   The second was a group of more obscure but familiar X-Men like Armor missing her other obscure friend Beak. So she goes through a portal but inadvertently lures a bunch of drug dealers out to Nebraska to hold his entire bird family hostage. Luckily everyone lives...for the most part. 
   Not a bad series so far. It's definitely what this title has historically been and Ed Brisson and Jonathan Hickman are just amazing writers. I'm dreading what X Factor and the other X books will hold but so far, this one is a winner. I give it a 10/10.

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