Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Despicable Deadpool #296


Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Matteo Lolli
Cover by Mike Hawthorne
Published March 14, 2018
   Captain America and Deadpool battle on the street as Wade blames everything on Cap. Rogers still insists he should have known better, but Deadpool counters that if it were one of the other Avengers that killed someone on his orders, there would be a double standard.
   Cap goes on to say he feels terrible Deadpool was fooled, and in spite of it all, reiterates he'll seek leniency on the merc. But Wade will have none of it, telling him that the only way to stop him from fighting is to pin him to the ground with his sword. Cap does just that, in front of a group of cellphone carrying kids.
   Deadpool takes off and leaps into a manhole. Cap decks a construction worker Wade cleverly slipped his mask on.  He chases after him and finally they come to Wade's hideout. When he tells Cap to open a nearby box, he sees Preston's disabled robotic body and Deadpool demands she be repaired.
   The issue wraps with him blowing up one of the support columns and explaining the trigger is equipped with a dead man's switch, rigged to blow the rest of the columns if anything happens to him. He tells Cap the only way he surrenders is to Preston herself, and with that, this issue is left to be continued.
   So at this point, it's been announced this series will conclude with issue #300. To Duggan's credit, a lot of this series has been good. Some of it though was filler - like for example, this issue right here. Are we really supposed to believe Cap would be this heartless after the crimes his masquerading other did in his place? Well maybe. But using 14 pages of fighting and banter? Come on. They can't all be winners. I give this one a 6/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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