Thursday, April 12, 2018

Batman #42


Written by Tom King
Penciled by Mikel Janin
Cover by Mikel Janin
Published Mar 7, 2018

   A brainwashed Superman hovers above Wayne Manor, while inside Bruce and Selina watch the brainwashed news. They take off with Supes in tow while they stop at Batburger, all the while loudly gushing about Ivy. Even the radio plays the sounds of leaves rustling. Finally Batman nears Catwoman's ear to whisper, causing Superman to listen intently before Batman whistles so loudly it hurts the Man of Steel.

This version of Supes isn't very hardcore.

   They move to walk into a nearby house and brace for what's coming. All three Flash's rush them and are incapacitated. When they walk in, a mind controlled old lady tells them they should have stayed in the mansion. Later we see the two of them hanging from a skyscraper under the watch of Wonder Woman, Jessica Cruz and Superman.


   Batman explains to Ivy that by letting the mind controlled people eat, they're eating scores of living, green plants. Ivy calls to Bruce to shut up but he refuses. Using Superman, she tells him they're making a perfect world when he punches the Bat, brutally breaking his cowl, his teeth, and pretty much his entire face in general..

DAMN! Nevermind what I said about Supes being hardcore. He's SUPER hardcore!

   Later Ivy talks business with her new friend, Catwoman. While Bruce wakes up in the hospital, Selina tries to reason with her old pal but it doesn’t seem to be getting through. She tells the cat about the killing she did back in the War of Jokes and Riddles. It was a mistake. But now she can be redeemed. She can remake everything.

I can fix it!

   The issue wraps with Bruce figuring it out. She needs speed, Ivy uses flash. She needs strength, Ivy uses Superman. As he recovers, he expected the help from only one other character, and there stands Harley Quinn to assist her newest patient. What’s gonna happen next? We’ll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Not as hot as Margot Robbie.

   With last issue’s intro of Ivy back into Bruce and Selina’s way, I mentioned her brief appearance as the Riddler’s lackey during the afore mentioned war. Who’d have thought Tom King would have found a way to reference it. And if you say “Oh I’d have never thought it” then clearly you haven’t been paying attention. This team of King and Mikel Janin continue to prove that they’re one of the best in the business. This has all the makings of yet another Bat-sterpiece. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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