Monday, November 27, 2017

Justice League #32


Written by Robert Venditti
Penciled by Liam Sharp
Cover by Ethan Van Sciver
Published Nov 1 2017

   Before Cyborg was transformed, he was a stellar football standout being pursued by several colleges. But it was more than his ability that made him great. It was his team. Today, his new team (minus Superman and Batman) find themselves spread across the globe, now being pursued by several dark matter versions of Batman himself.

Oh well... isn't that terrifying? 

   Beneath Central City, Flash runs from the Red Death across sand, before it slowly dissipates and reveals a huge Flash-Mobile. All the while being begged by Bruce inside it’s head to stop, he hails the entire motorcade to assist in his madness. Meanwhile below Amnesty Bay, Aquaman calls out the Drowned, a macabre version of Bruce before being approached by a hulking underwater beast. Riding on his back appears a weird Bat-Mera, enraged and commanding the monster to attack.

It's Mera, so it's kind of hot. But it's also Batman... I'm so confused.

    Beneath ARGUS HQ, Wonder Woman squares off with the Merciless, and though armed with weapons taken from the gods he’s killed, is goaded by her into a fistfight. Revealing that some of his moves were actually taught to him by the princess, he pulls out a massive sledgehammer and walks to a gong-like coin melted down from the coins of dead Amazons seeking afterlife passage. He rings it and their souls appear, seeking revenge and headed towards Wonder Woman.

Justice League by Robert Kirkman.

   And underneath Corst City, Hal Jordan speaks his Lantern Oath but it’s rendered useless by the Dawnbreaker - yet another Batman, but this one in possession of a Lantern ring. The issue wraps with Cyborg revealing that they have one secret weapon - him. He writhes in apparant pain being connected by scores of cables and wires in the Batman Who Laughs dark realm. What that secret weapon is will have to wait though, as this issue is left to be continued.

Bet that smarts.

   Though I was aware that Bryan Hitch was leaving this book, I was not aware he wouldn’t be writing the Metal tie-ins. Robert Venditti did the best he could I suppose, given the fact DC just sweeps over massive plot points with no build up. There’s a few issues and one shots that are coming out that piece this arc together, but it’s frustrating that they didn’t have at least one issue in this series that didn’t transition it before just putting them all in this situation. The Justice Kids took off in issue #31, and suddenly the entire team is in trouble and Batman and Superman are missing. Kinda lame. I give this one a 6/10.

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