Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Fantastic Four (2018) #31-35

Fantastic Four (2018) #31-35:
 The Bride of Doom

   The Fantastic Four are invited to Doctor Victor Von Doom's wedding in Latveria, with Reed Richards being asked to be his best man. Only problem is that of course, loverboy Johnny Storm aka the Human Torch decides to have some hanky panky time with Doom's future potential bride, Victorious. Obviously this leads to issues with Sky, his fiance, who takes off back for her home plant.
   During the nuptials, she decides to come clean to Doom and tell him about her escapades which infuriates him. He decides to murder everyone but of course fails. One thing he does manage to do is turn Johnny Storm's flames permanently on with some kind of magic cosmic ray. 
   The final book of the story, issue #35 is the 60th anniversary issue and it's a doozy. A bunch of Kangs at the end of time decide to go back through various timelines to kill the FF. Eventually it's revealed that one of them is none other than Mister Fantastic himself. Through what amounts to a ton of pages, he eventually manages to lead his team over the Kang's and is victorious. The issue ends with Johnny still stuck in flame mode, but I'm sure solving it is right around the corner. 

For previous FF adventures, click HERE

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