Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Avengers (2018) #46-50: World War She-Hulk

 Avengers (2018) #46-50:
World War She-Hulk

   Following the events of the previous arc, the Russians are furious at the Avengers for wrecking the Red Square. Therefore, they've declared war on the Avengers and are notably holding She-Hulk accountable for the entire situation. Using their Winter Guard, they attack Jennifer Walters and hold her prisoner until they can break her mind and use her as their secret, indestructible weapon.
   Little do they know though - the Avengers were already aware of their ruse. Instead she prepares for the abduction and goes in undercover. Once they use the She-Hulk to destroy Atlantis, she turns on her "captors" and the Avengers are able to defeat the red supervillain army. 
   In it's wake, Mephisto goes throughout time with Doom Supreme to build an evil destruction force of prehistoric bad guys. With Kazar now stuck in another dimension, Doom and Mephisto build their new faction of baddies to I guess destroy the earth, again. Big shocker.

Overall, an OK story. But I'm getting sick of Avengers Mountain and the Avengers BC thing. I'm not sure what they're setting up for but hopefully Jason Aaron has a big card up his sleeve. Only one way to find out though I reckon...

Like this synopsis? Check out my previous Avengers review HERE

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