Tuesday, June 22, 2021

X-Factor #1-5


Written by Leah Williams
Penciled by David Baldeon
Published Jul - Dec 2020

   With the advent of resurrecturable mutants, there inevitably creates a hole for investigating what happened to them. Obviously the last thing we'd want to do is have another version of us running around without the other being gone before. Enter X-Factor investigations. These 6 or so mutants are now part of an elite team to being the reasons for and proof of a mutants early demise before they can be born anew. Also with a spiffy new HQ, these guys will prove to be invaluable to their peers. 
   So far, I'm really liking where this is headed. And also where it could end up. There's a few unnecessary things in their personal lives (Ahem, we don't really need to know that much about Daken's personal life...) but overall, it's got some incredible potential. I like where it's going. I give this arc an 8/10. 

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