Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Venom #26-30 (2018): Venom Beyond


Written by Donny Cates
Penciled by Iban Coello, Luke Ross, etc.
Published July-Nov 2020

   Man, I love me some Donny Cates written Venom. There's really something to this series. Obviously Venom's face turn has been longstanding but Cates continues to humanize him more and more. From giving him a son (Dylan) to finding the long lost Annie, albeit from the often go-to multiverse. This was a pretty good story. Even though Knull is coming.. and has been coming for sometime, this was a really good offshoot story to put Eddie, Venom, and Dylan in. Add in all the venomized Avengers, X-Men, etc and it gets even better. Seeing Doc Ock even made me long for the Otto days. Very good stuff from I dare to say, Venom's best writer. And the artwork is vivid, colors popping, etc. I give this one a 10/10.

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