Thursday, September 3, 2020

Batman #51-53: Cold Days


Written by Tom King
Penciled by Lee Weeks and Tony S Daniel
Published Jul-Aug 2018

   So with the advent of DC Universe, I realized that they're really doing kind of a Marvel Unlimited vibe which finally allows me to read more of these books. Honestly, I never wanted to "quit" Tom King - because he's such an incredible writer. Honestly between him and Brian Michael Bendis, it's got to be the reason these books manage to stay at the top of the charts. Like seriously... Find me a month on ComicChron that a Batman book wasn't literally at the top of the list.
   In this arc, we see Batman struggling in his post-Selena breakup depression. Somehow he managed to fake jury duty to acquit Mr. Freeze. Because why not? What else is he gonna do? Over all though, this was a pretty decent story - and further cements how much I missed Tom King's incredible story telling. I give this one a 9/10.

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