Thursday, August 29, 2019

Fantastic Four #8-9: Herald Of Doom pts III-IV


Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Aaron Kuder
Published Mar 27-Apr 24, 2019

   While Dr. Doom continues to siphon power from Galactus, the Fantastic Four is held in various brutal torture chambers. Meanwhile Franklin and Val are getting tired of waiting for word. But as Doom addresses the world, Reed reveals a secret plan. Using a recurring power spike, they free themselves and Sue embarrassingly makes Doom's armor disappear in front of a worldwide audience.


   One by one they escape their cells. Reed uses an exploded Doombot to hack into the Latverian network, turning his Big Bang cannons into vacuums to free Galactus. He returns to space, but back home, Franklin and Val have problems of their own. On the run from tiny demons, the two use the new teleporter they've built to send the demons to Doomville while subsequently returning their parents back to Aunt Petunias. Trouble looms in Latveria but the Fantastic Four are all safe and sound... At least until next month when War Of The Realms begins. But at least for the time being, this story arc comes to an end.


   So obviously I've talked Dan Slott up a great deal since his departure from Amazing Spider-Man. But to say that he's being underused in the World's Greatest Comic Magazine is a bit of an understatement. This certainly isn't Brian Michael Bendis's Victor Von Doom, but he's playing his part in this series sorta like he always has. This series is kind of in neutral, but honestly I expect it to ramp up dramatically in a month or so. What can a Dan Slott 'War Of The Realms' tie in look like? We'll see soon. But for this story, I give it a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Fantastic Four #8
Fantastic Four #9

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