Thursday, November 8, 2018

Avengers #7


Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Sara Picheli
Cover by Geoff Shaw
Published Sept 5, 2018

   One million years ago, a tiny cave boy lives among his ignorant peers. One day a white haired stranger shows up, and kills many in his clan just to let them know he’s their new boss. Able to speak with the boy, he tells him who he and the boy truly are - the world’s masters. But the boy’s lesson ends abruptly when the monster eats everyone else in his family, leaving him alone in the cold.

Thanks, scary hairy man. Now I'm solo.

   He crawls out in the snow and is soon found by a talking snake. Giving him the opportunity for redemption, he only need to speak the demon's name. But redemption quickly shifts to being cursed, as the very first Ghost Rider immediately seeks vengeance.

By the way, I'm bad ass now.

   Five years later, the stranger smells the boy approaching - now riding a flaming mammoth with his signature fiery skull face. They fight, but the very first Wendigo has grown stronger since their last encounter. The battle is epic but it ends sadly with the monster taking Ghost Rider's flaming mammoth friend down with him.


   Afraid of being forever alone again, the Ghost Rider is soon joined by the first Phoenix and Odin, the Asguardian Thor. With that, the very first Avengers take shape. But what happens next will have to wait, as this issue is left to be continued.

"You looking to party?"

   You know, the coolest thing about comic books is that origin stories can be rewritten and re imagined by every writer assigned to them. Most times, it comes off as super lame. But with a skilled an amazing storyteller like Jason Aaron at the helm, you can suspend anything you know about a character's history. Because it's in great hands. I absolutely love where they're taking things here. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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