Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Star Wars #36


Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Salvador LaRorroca
Cover by Mike Mayhew
Published Sep 13 2017

   An Imperial destroyer drifts towards the lifeless ship. They tow it in and it's empty except for a powerless droid who suddenly pops to life and escapes, incapcatating an entire Stormtrooper containment team. The commander overhears their exchange and sends another team to be on the lookout for biggest, nastiest droid they've ever seen.
Guys who dress like that on the bridge of Imperial ships always do stupid things.

   They pass the tiny R2 unit in the hall, who heads to a computer and hails another team to the other side of the door. There they exchange friendly fire, unaware that the droid has tricked them. With word that both squads are down, they order 5 more squads... each either being burned to death, ejected into space or going on a goosechase with the wrong droids.
   Meanwhile R2D2 finds who he came for : C3P0... about to be dismantled on orders from Darth Vader himself. The tiny droid enters the room and is able to take out the guard, sending them running down a hall with a stormtrooper team in tow. They blast the room and mistakenly kill the guard, as the 2 droids steal an X-Wing and escape.

Need to stop leaving the keys in the X-Wings, guys.

   Back on the bridge, Darth Vader approaches and hears the commander trying to keep what's going on under wraps. He kills him and deploys in his advanced tie fighter. He approaches and fires upon them, with 3P0 trying to make the jump to hyperspace. Their luck looks to have run out when Luke's ship and the Milleneum Falcon appear. He gives them the coordinates and they all make the jump. 

Just in time!

   The issue wraps with them all back together again, but danger still looms. It appears the elite Scar Squadron has located the rebel outpost. They prepare to approach when this issue ends, left to be continued.
   In this issue, it's revealed that Chewbacca upgraded R2's defense systems. That has to come in awfully handy, as the little droid that could is always not to be counted out. In familiar fashion, his companion 3P0 blames him for everything but in the end, would you ever want any other outcome? I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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