Saturday, March 4, 2017

Uncanny Inhumans #19

Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Kim Jacinto
Cover by Frazer Irving
Published Feb 15, 2017

   Blackbolt's brother Maximus is up to no good. He's brought a few others bent on serving their own interests, namely Lineage and former King of the Inhumans The Unspoken to help him hatch his plan... They intend to gather the ingredients for more terrigen. Along with the formerly imprisoned Triton, whom clearly is only along because he's trying to get back into Medusa's good graces, the group leaps from the oceans edge in the South China Sea.
   Once underwater, they swim to the base of a gigantic mouth much to Lineage's disgust. They enter into the foul smelling digestive track of some massive unknown sea creature, and are quickly surrounded by aquatic warriors. Triton begins to slay them and is begrudgingly joined by the team. The Unspoken tells Maximus he is above this type of behavior. Maximus tells him he's either with them or he's doomed to stay there forever. As he walks ahead, Lineage and the Unspoken begin scheming to get their hands on the Terrigen crystals to get their revenge.
   As they fight their way through the beasts intestines, they encounter the hideous fish creature Maw Queen and her brood. He pays her homage with a request for a small bit of her deep eggs in return for delivering her a real life king. The Unspoken is apparently part of Maximus' plan. He begins to protest when Maximus uses his mind power and makes him a willing participant. He falls in love with the Queen and horrified, the team takes the eggs and goes on their way. Lineage asks how long the mind control can work and Maximus tells him he'll eventually lose the link. What will become of him is a mystery I'm sure will come to light somewhere down the line.
   They team hits Madagascar, London, Tibet, Niger, and finally stopping in India at a spice shop. Maximus tells the team they don't need half the stuff they're lugging around but he wanted to throw them off their trail unless they ever got any ideas.
   The issue concludes with the team being introduced to Banyan, who's been charged with building something - what that is remains a mystery. With that, we're taken back to the scene of the fish's gigantic mouth. It begins to rumble and the huge beast floats to the surface, emerging and walking away and we're left to be concluded.
   I'm interested to see how this will coincide with the war between the mutants and inhumans, as this is clearly part of a plot to serve a rogue team's interests. Maximus is as conniving as another former villain I know of, the infamous Magneto. Charles Soule does a great job of telling the story and the art was great too. I give it an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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