Monday, March 27, 2017

Deadpool #16

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Mike Hawthrone
Cover by Rafael Albuquerque
Published Aug 3, 2017

   The Mercs are pissed. Just as Deadpool discovers them in his bank looking through the safety deposit box, he asks why he shouldn't blow them all to bits when he's attacked from behind. Unfortunately for all of them, the hotwire on the vault door trips and slams shut, trapping them all there until morning. Once inside, they all let him have it - airing all their grievences. He said he never asked for any of his fame, not to mention that they all knew the terms of the deal. Solo says it's all his fault. He put on Deadpool's mask and things just sort of fell into place. He was hired by a man who told him his wife had been kidnapped. Only problem is that once he had his rifle trained on the guy, he noticed snipers on a nearby roof and a dignitary motorcade who pulled up. Deadpool was being set up as a patsy.
   Instead of running from the fight, he teleports down and saves the ambassador. Once he finds out the guys detail is also compromised, he steals a puppy shaped mobile pet wash unit to drive the ambassador out of the danger zone. Teleporting from car after car chasing them, he eventually saves him while later being mistaken for Spider-Man. Later he's given a free coupon to Outback, enjoying the notoriety for saving someone but let down because he did it in another mercs uniform.
   As he spins his tale, Deadpool puts it together that clearly this was yet another opportunity Madcap had to inject himself into Wade's life. He meant to frame him but since Solo intervened, it didn't work out. Angry, Deadpool punches Solo for lying - saying the government said it was a telepathic attack when it was clear that Madcap intervened. Solo says who cares about Madcap... he erased himself. Deadpool tells the rest of the mercs that no, he didn't erase himself. He just hit the reset button.
   The issue ends with a cameo page. A silhouetted figure walks amount the woods saying that he knows what he wants him to do but he won't do it. The distinctive Madcap font reveals that we know exactly who he's talking to. A freaky, torso emerging Madcap tells him he WILL do whatever Madcap wants him to do or else he'll make things unpleasant. And with that, we're left to be continued.
   Like I've said before, Gerry Duggan writes back to back issues that are good and then embarrassingly bad. Maybe he's broken the mold and given us two good ones in a row, because this one was a winner. I enjoy being able to get more of Solo's backstory without having to read the mercs book or whatever other spinoff books that Deadpool generates. Great artwork too. I give it an 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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