Friday, April 5, 2013

Amazing Spiderman #8-12

Amazing Spider Man #8-12, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko/Jack Kirby. Jan - May, 1964.
   #8 - The greatest thing about this issue is this panel:
   "As you know, the answer is given in the form of mathematical code symbols..." - oh. Right. You mean 'numbers'. But something else that happens of importance in this issue is the fact Flash steps on Peter's glasses and breaks them. As I've noticed in concurrent issues, PP's eyesight must have been miraculously healed at this point, because he doesn't wear glasses from this point on.
   #9 - Spider Man battles Electro for the first time. HE managed to get his powers from being electrocuted while working on a telephone line. At this point, who needs mutants? People are becoming super heroes or super villains from random accidents at an alarming rate. Hey, J.Jonah - THERE'S A SCOOP!
  #10 - Nothing too interesting about SM's foes here - it's Big Man and the Enforcers. I did notice that Peter's romance with Betty Brandt seems to be taking a hit. She seems like she suffers from some sort of mental illness. I guess that's to be expected when you work for a sociopath like JJJ. On the last page, the issue promises a new villain in the next issue, which turns out to be...
#11 - The Return of Doctor Octopus. Plus the return of Betty Brandt. Unfortunately Ock escapes to fight another day, like..
#12 - The Re-Return of Doc Ock. Spidey gets unmasked in this one, but since he's failing so bad at fighting Octo, everyone thinks he's just dicking around. so they can't put two and two together. But oddly enough, now Liz is on Pete's jock for some reason. Plus, they manage to somehow namecheck Billy Graham...

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