Fantastic Four (2018) #43-46
The story picks up amidst the chaos of the Reckoning War, a cosmic conflict that threatens the entire Marvel Universe. The Reckoning, a race of ancient beings wielding the Watchers’ forbidden weapons, launch devastating attacks across the cosmos. Reed Richards, armed with the newly gained knowledge of the Watchers’ history, struggles to balance his newfound cosmic awareness with the mounting pressures of the war. Meanwhile, Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, and Sue Richards rally Earth’s heroes to protect the planet from Reckoning forces. Reed’s increasing detachment as he processes his cosmic insights creates tension within the team.
Issue #44: The Fall of the Watchers
The Fantastic Four travel to the Watchers’ homeworld, where the Reckoning stage a brutal assault to claim more forbidden technology. Uatu, the Watcher allied with Earth, tries to rally his people, but their pacifistic ways leave them vulnerable. Reed devises a plan to turn the tide using Uatu’s knowledge, but it comes at a cost: pushing his already strained relationships with his family. Johnny, still grappling with the permanent increase in his power levels, faces a major test of his abilities as he battles one of the Reckoning’s champions. Meanwhile, Sue uncovers a hidden secret about the Reckoning’s true purpose, hinting at a deeper connection to the Fantastic Four’s origins.
Issue #45: The Reckoning’s True Intent
Sue’s discovery reveals that the Reckoning aim to rewrite the laws of the cosmos, undoing the Watchers’ millennia-long restrictions on technology. This revelation sends shockwaves through the team, as it ties into Reed’s long-standing guilt over his role in pushing scientific boundaries. Meanwhile, Ben leads a desperate mission to protect Earth, facing overwhelming odds alongside a coalition of alien races. Johnny’s reckless use of his increased powers causes collateral damage, straining his relationships with the team. The issue’s climax sees the Fantastic Four cornered, with the Reckoning poised to enact their ultimate plan.
Issue #46: A New Dawn
In the arc’s dramatic conclusion, Reed and Uatu work together to develop a risky plan to neutralize the Reckoning’s forbidden technology. The plan requires a dangerous gamble: using Reed’s enhanced cosmic awareness to manipulate the fundamental forces of reality. While Reed succeeds in halting the Reckoning’s immediate threat, the effort nearly costs him his sanity. The Reckoning retreat but vow to return, leaving the Fantastic Four to pick up the pieces. The aftermath sees the team grappling with the emotional toll of the war, particularly Johnny, whose recklessness has left him more isolated than ever. Meanwhile, Uatu’s actions hint at a greater reckoning (pun intended) for the Watchers.
Thematic Exploration
This arc dives into the core themes of responsibility, family, and the consequences of pushing boundaries. Reed’s struggle with the burden of knowledge and the tension it creates within the team reflects his long-standing characterization as a brilliant but flawed leader. The Reckoning serve as a mirror to the Fantastic Four, challenging their ideals and forcing them to confront the cost of their actions. Johnny’s storyline underscores the dangers of unchecked power, while Sue and Ben’s loyalty to their family highlights the emotional heart of the team.
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