Thursday, July 14, 2022

Champions (2020) #6-10: Killer App

Champions (2020) #6-10: Killer App

Champions (2020) #6

""KILLER APP"" STARTS HERE! The Champions tried fighting fair. Now it's time to fight dirty. A sinister corporation is cheating the system to try to keep Kamala's Law on the books, so the Champions infiltrate the company to take it down from the inside. But the company's wildly popular app is already turning public perception against teen super heroes. Can the Champions wage war on a trend? And how dirty will their hands get before it's over? Danny Lore (CAPTAIN AMERICA: KING IN BLACK, IRONHEART 2020) and Luciano Vecchio (IRONHEART) take the reins of a daring new era of Champions!

Champions (2020) #7

THE KAMALA CON! The Champions are playing dirty to beat Roxxon at their own game - including implanting two of their own as interns to take down the corporation from within. But in order to earn the trust of their cutthroat Roxxon supervisors, they'll have to deliver an unwilling spokesperson: Kamala Khan. Will Ms. Marvel agree to become the face of a company and a law that she hates, or is it too high a price to pay for victory?

Champions (2020) #8

A protest against Kamala’s Law goes south when Roxxon uses its app to lure the crowd into a trap. Can the Champions save the protestors without exposing the Champions’ moles within Roxxon? And can they figure out Roxxon’s true endgame in time to stop it, or is it already too late?

Champions (2020) #9

The Champions’ commitment to destroying Roxxon from within faces its ultimate test, as Kamala is asked to speak for the company in front of a global audience. How far will Ms. Marvel go to destroy the corporation that almost ruined her life? And what will it cost the rest of the Champions?

Champions (2020) #10

THE FINALE OF KILLER APP! The Champions win a major victory over Roxxon-only to discover a much deadlier threat waiting in the wings! Can they win against vicious machines engineered to predict their every move? Or is it the end of the line for our young heroes?

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