Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Cable (2020) #7-12

Cable (2020) #7-12

Some summers seem like they will never end. And some end too soon. Still reeling from the events of X OF SWORDS, Cable turns back to the matter of missing mutant babies — a matter that he knows a thing or two about. But when his investigations lead him to a very familiar face, he'll need all the luck he can get — from Domino! She's been a steadfast ally to the older Cable for years, but how will she react when meeting his younger past self for the first time? As the paradoxes of time travel stack up, Nathan's future is coming back to haunt him — and he isn't ready. Yet. But as young Cable inches toward the startling secret of a lost child, an inevitable reckoning draws ever closer.

Cable (2020) #7
January 20, 2021
Gerry Duggan
Phil Noto
Cover Artist:
Phil Noto

A TALE OF TWO TIMELINES! Reeling from the events of X OF SWORDS, Cable turns back to the matter of missing mutant babies… a matter he knows a thing or two about.

Cable (2020) #8
February 17, 2021
Gerry Duggan
Phil Noto
Cover Artist:
Phil Noto

LUCKY TO MEET YOU ! Cable gets together with his - ahem - intimate friend Domino long before they ever met! Will it be a fortunate encounter? Or has Cable met his match?

Cable (2020) #9
March 24, 2021
Gerry Duggan
Phil Noto
Cover Artist:
Phil Noto

DAYS OF PAST YET TO COME! Cable's future is coming back to haunt him…and he isn't ready. Yet.

Cable (2020) #10
April 28, 2021
Gerry Duggan
Phil Noto
Cover Artist:
Phil Noto

THE CHILD OF SUMMER! As Cable and company draw closer to the secret of the missing child, a reckoning draws ever closer.

Cable (2020) #11
June 30, 2021
Gerry Duggan
Phil Noto
Cover Artist:
Phil Noto

SUMMERS END! Some summers seem like they will never end. And some end too soon.

Cable (2020) #12
July 28, 2021
Gerry Duggan
Phil Noto
Cover Artist:
Phil Noto

CUTTING THE CORD! Young Mister Summers sends his regrets - he will not be attending the Hellfire Gala this year. Or ever again.

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