Monday, March 14, 2022

Hightown S2 Ep 9: Small Craft Warning

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from Alexus Renee:

Hightown S2 Ep 9: Small Craft Warning

By Sir Anthony — 2 months ago

Previously on Hightown Season 2 Episode 8, Ray set in motion an operation to free Renee from Frankie’s clutches by giving Jackie intel about his next shipment. Frankie was paranoid and kidnapped the private jet pilot, took Charmaine on a drive in a secluded area, and just when she thought he would murder her… he shot the pilot and they buried his body. Jackie and Leslie’s sting operation to catch him at the airport was foiled.

Jackie tried to keep the op under wraps from Saintille but he already found out about it. He told him she thinks Daisy is dead and they planned to investigate. When Jackie got home, Frankie and his bodyguard were waiting at her doorsteps. They were interrupted by a neighbor but he vowed to return…

Warning… Spoilers below!

On Hightown Season 2 Episode 9, police searched the woods for Daisy’s body but Saintille wrapped the search efforts since they found nothing.

Another Shot

Ray texted Renee to meet. She was worried as Frankie has been acting strange lately but agreed to meet him. When she tried to leave, Frankie demanded her phone, threw it in the microwave, and fried it! They’re taking more precautions now. He informed her that Charmaine was already in New York receiving a double package and that she was shut out of the business. Also, the bodyguard, Chuleta, would escort her around.

She managed to ditch the guard and enter the store and chat with Ray. She told him they’re no longer using planes and the re-up is happening today. She was afraid Frankie will discover she ratted him out. Ray proposed they run away together. Chuleta came in and she avoided detection with Ray.

While Charmaine was in New York, she called Osito in prison. In a coded effort, she told him she was staying in NYC and not returning to the Cape after this next deal. Also, Frankie was a problem and she was cutting ties with him. Also reassured him that his prison supply would remain, and if she ever goes missing, he can find her in the Caribbean Islands. She met with her connect’s nephew (who liked her) was blindfolded and was driven to the location.

Ray visited Jackie asking for help busting Frankie and Charmaine. He was concerned that Renee was burned and wouldn’t have long to live. He pleaded for her help in raiding Frankie. She would have to inform Saintille first.

Saintille, Jackie, and Ray set up a sting operation on Hightown Season 2 Episode 9

They met with Saintille, who was pissed they got intel from Renee because Ray was back talking to her. He reassured them that the intel this time was good and they had to act fast. They figured Charmaine had to transport the shipment back via car or boat. Saintille was forced to set up the sting but put Ray in Jackie’s responsibility so nothing negative blows back on his department.
Let’s Take A Ride

Jackie approached Ed and apologized for telling him off and asked for his help with the operation. She got him on board but he was pissed Ray was coming along since he was responsible for getting her shot. They figured it was a small craft transporting the drugs and searched the cape.

Meanwhile, Saintille and Leslie bottlenecked the bridges in search of Charmaine. Ray spotted the ferry and figured Charmaine would ride it as a means to throw them off. They entered the ferry in search of her but came up empty.

Charmaine was on the bus which was being stopped by on the bridge. Saintille noticed from the distance that someone was exiting the bus and chased after. Charmaine ran but was trapped by police. Saintille talked her down but she tossed the bag into the water and they arrested her! They picked it up and informed Jackie. She then informed Ray but he was concerned about Renee and went to find her.

Frankie was waiting for Charmaine to get off the bus and, of course, she never showed. He saw agents and knew the pickup was a setup and bailed! He phoned Chuleta who informed a nervous Renee that they had to go on a ride…

Bodies Found

Saintille interrogated Charmaine, offering to look out for her if she cooperated giving up Frankie and her New York connect. She lawyered up and Saintille was pissed at her non-cooperation, laying any overdose death on her (including her sister!) Suddenly, Saintille got a call from the department of corrections and spoke with an informant.

Jackie stayed and chatted with a mute Charmaine. She revealed she was the cop her cousin Osito shot. She tried to get Charmaine to open up but it was futile.

Saintille visited Osito in the warden’s office with his attorney. He offered a vague statement with a vicinity and Osito would fill in a few blanks granted he receives a bail hearing. Osito provided, the address given was the location of the pilot’s grave and Frankie had murdered him. He also told him they will find more bodies there.

Ray broke into Frankie and Renee’s home in search of her to no avail. He freaked out and called Jackie and she told him they found a male and a female’s body in the woods. When Jackie arrived at the scene with Ray and learned the pilot and Daisy had been buried there! They needed more evidence to apprehend Frankie and suddenly found another body… it was Jorge!

They pondered the M.O. was different and he had been buried there weeks prior. Saintille order all surveillance footage into the location and called the judge for a warrant to arrest Frankie!

Frankie went to Renee’s mother’s home to snatch Frankie Jr., telling her they wouldn’t see each other for a while.

Chuleta marched Renee into the dark woods and ordered her inside the RV, telling her that Frankie said she would know what to do. She thought he was there to kill her but she was there to grab the go money Jorge had stashed.

Double Crossed

Chuleta took Renee to the strip club where Frankie and Junior were stationed. He informed her that they were leaving right now for the Dominican Republic. Suddenly, cars screeched outside, Frankie and Chuleta armed themselves to check it out.

Jackie, Leslie, and a swarm of cops raided the place! Frankie was tackled and cuffed, they grabbed the gun off him asking was that the murder weapon for Daisy and Jorge (in which it was for the latter!) Jackie confronted him that he could’ve dug his cousin a proper grave. Frankie was oblivious to what she was talking about…

Frankie had a smug look on his face as they perp-walked him out but that broke when Ray headed his way and spoke to him. Frankie was irate cursing Ray out! Ray returned the smug smirk. He was excited to see Renee was alive and Frankie could see they were hugging and kissing each other as he was hauled off to jail!

Stay tuned for the Season 2 finale, because the whole “Great White” operation is cracked open, but a few mysteries remain. Ray’s plan to get his job back has a complicated ending. Jackie goes from feeling like a hero after an important discovery to the zero who let something critical get away…

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