Sunday, February 13, 2022

Dexter S1 Ep 11: Truth Be Told

What did you miss? For a review of the last episode, click HERE

from Wikipedia:

Dexter S1 Ep 11: Truth Be Told

Rudy tracks down and kills the amputee prostitute who talked to Angel, leaving her dismembered remains in a public Christmas display. Dexter finds he is connected to the Ice Truck Killer, linking him to a bloody 1973 case that Harry investigated involving Dexter's biological mother. While researching newspaper articles from when he was a boy, he comes across the date of October 3, or 103, the number laced throughout the crime scene. Meanwhile, Captain Matthews has LaGuerta replaced for failing to find the Ice Truck Killer. Rita decides to take Astor and Cody to visit Paul in prison.

Rudy convinces Debra to join him on his rented boat where he proposes to her. However, he then reveals himself as the Ice Truck Killer and chokes her unconscious. Dexter begins to suspect Rudy due to Angel mentioning that he punched his attacker and finding out that there was a blood stain on his collar that was not consistent with his stab wound. Dexter takes a sample from the shirt and compares it to a blood sample from a piece of cotton wool in Rudy's trash, confirming the match. He tries to contact Debra to alert her of the danger she is in, but she is already tied up on Rudy's boat.

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