Thursday, January 27, 2022

Evil S1 Ep 11: Room 320

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Evil S1 Ep 11:  Room 320

from Tell Tale TV:

January 10, 2020
Janelle Ureta

Thank GOD, Evil is back.

We need the hopeful horror on Evil Season 1 Episode 11, “Room 320,” so we can, dare I say, enjoy the world and its terrors.

The winter premiere hollers back to many plot and character details from the first ten episodes.

One way Evil proves itself to be a five-star show is that the references to previously shown points aren’t summative or a flurry of flashbacks.

The story is being woven before our eyes. It never stops generating and revealing new patterns, even when the thread is from the first design.

It’s strikingly fresh for including so many referential pieces!

“Room 320” masterfully uses sound to horrify.

The squeaky shoes are the clearest example, those are KILLER KEDS!

The bouncing ball in the hollow hallway, the syrupy way Nurse Bloch says, “now, David,” and the rusty wheels on the pleading patients’ beds as they roll by spread an invasive and cringe-worthy fear.

As a result of the focus on sound effects, Evil expands our sensory experience of evil. David lets us in on his fever dream experience, which is the perfect way to play with the senses of fear.

The lines between reality and fantasy, dream and wakefulness, truth and deception, are hazier than ever. The exploration of the distance between these dualities is just one of the epically rich spiritual journeys Evil allows us to take.

Evil has yet to reach the absolute apex or climax of its power as a television program. For now, we get to enjoy each hour, arrested in awe.

Okay, let me come down from my metaphysical TV high so we can talk about these fantastic characters.

The main trio of evil hunters isn’t susceptible to easy typification. They are each simply too complicated and unknown to be labeled.

However, Ben shows up as Ben the Magnificent on the episode and that may be my favorite Ben. Aasif Mandvi is hilarious as a comic. Evil takes advantage of Mandvi’s maturity as a comic performer by allowing him to be serious in his role as Ben, even when he is being funny.

When Ben puts on the VR mask and pretends to be an eight-year-old girl, it’s rather funny. He goes there with his cadence and how he’s moving his face and mouth. He is into it.

But, it is never an act. He isn’t doing a bit, even as Ben doing a bit.

The line is razor-thin, but he walks it perfectly. Like Katja Hebers as Kristen Bouchard, Mandvi lets Ben be quirky, strange, goofy and grounded.

It is no secret that I adore Ben and Kristen together. So, it may be some fantastical thinking, but I swear I could feel the heat of jealousy emanating off of Kristen when Mira shows up and has a spark with Ben.

Rewatch it! I am NOT just seeing things!

Judy is super hot and was Kristen before Kristen was Kristen. However, Kristen does not put off a jealous vibe, even though Judy was clearly very into and close with David.

Why could that be? Perhaps because there is clearly no lust between Judy and Ben for Kristen to be jealous of? COULD. BE.

Even if I am reading too much into Ben and Kristen’s behaviors, this ship has me whipped, it is just fun to watch all these delicious personalities interact. Every new combination is rich and often playful.

The joy pockets between the horror are a salving reprieve. There isn’t a show out there that maintains such a balance.

I am so grateful that the episode opens doors, even as some mysteries are solved.

The connection between Ghana, Rose390 and David’s stabbing helps us thread together some things and feel like there are answers, even if they aren’t simple in the least.

There is security in that as a viewer. Evil is going to tie up some ends.

The Parable of the Weed that is referenced throughout the episode is a fascinating focus to bring to the final episodes of the season.

The weed is in the lives of the trio. It arrived when they were sleeping. We have explored Kristen’s and now David’s dreams. There is so much there.

Their desire for each other is a HUGE thing that really grew in their dreams or hallucinations.

I hope that we get to take a deep look at Ben’s dream state to see how he is involved and if he needs to do some weeding too.

Evil continues to deliver shock, fear, philosophy, and HEAT. The stars (all five of them!) have aligned for this incredible show.


Eew, Harlan’s maple syrup analogy is disgusting.

Here is the bible quote: “Jesus told them another parable: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.'”

I actually feel bad for Tara Summers who plays Nurse Linda. I will never be able to see her in anything else without feeling rage and fear.

We totally get why Judy needs a day away to meditate. The world is an ish show.

Dr. Boggs to the rescue! Mira to the rescue! Professionals being ethical and actually good at their jobs to the rescue!

Kristen’s hands on David’s face. That’s the confession. Her hands.

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