Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Dexter S1 Ep 5: Love American Style

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 From Wikipedia:

Dexter S1 Ep 5: Love American Style

Dexter is called to the abandoned hospital where he previously rescued Tony TucciDebra and Doakes question Tucci when he wakes up in hospital, but Doakes is unimpressed with Debra's ways of extracting information. He initially disapproves of her suggestion to blindfold Tucci to help him to remember his encounter with the Ice Truck Killer, but eventually relents. After being blindfolded, Tucci remembers that the killer used throat lozenges. They return to the crime scene and find a lozenge wrapper, on which Masuka finds a partial fingerprint.

Rita comforts her upset co-worker, Yelina (Monique Curnen), and learns that her fiancé, an illegal immigrant from Cuba, is missing. Rita asks Dexter to look into the problem using his police connections, and he finds a list of subjects from a past police case. He turns his focus to Jorge Castillo, a salvage yard owner engaged in people smuggling. After Yelina's fiancé washes up dead on a beach, Dexter discovers that Castillo is murdering immigrants who cannot pay for their freedom.

Dexter leads Castillo into an Airstream trailer in his salvage yard, but as he prepares to kill him, Castillo's wife Valerie (Valerie Dillman) arrives. Dexter realizes that the couple are working together, and decides to kill both inside the trailer. After doing so, he dumps their bodies in the ocean and frees their Cuban prisoners, not noticing the person watching him from the trunk of a car in the yard. In flashbacks, a teenage Dexter (Devon Graye) learns from Harry how to fake joy in a romantic date with a girl.

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