Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Upload S1 Ep 5: The Gray Market

 from MarvyTYseries.com

Upload S1 Ep 5: The Gray Market

Upload Season 1 Episode 5 Review

Upload Episode 5 Review

We begin episode 5 of upload with a somewhat somber tone; the spotlight is on Dylan, who’s fast approaching his 19th birthday, but still stuck with the same pre-teen avatar he was given when he was uploaded. He has a hilarious exchange with Nora about how difficult it is to fulfill his….needs while still looking like a child. The somber tone continues on with Nathan, who’s having a couple’s therapy session with Ingrid and her therapist. They rehash some of the issues from upload episode 3, but we soon discover that Nathan might not have been beyond help when he was uploaded, and that other forces are at play yet. This builds upon the ending of episode 4 and the convenience store camera footage.

Upload Episode 5 Review

Nitely app - Upload episode 5Upload Season 1 Episode 5 Review







Later, Nathan meets Dylan and Nora in the lobby, and after a rough start, Nathan befriends Dylan. Nora has to leave for a medical emergency, so Nathan promises to watch Dylan while she’s away. Luke soon shows up with a crazy scheme to go on the forbidden lobby floor and meet people on the Nitely app, and ropes the two in. but first, they have to visit a “dark web” version of paradise, only accessible through a purgatory-like grey expanse; this is where disembodied residents of the hotel end up. After some hilarious hijinks, and another exposition about how suspicious Jamie is acting by avoiding him, Dylan gets a tattoo patch from a Russian hacker which is supposed to age him up (which will totally, completely not go wrong in any way. At all).

After barely making it back to the main grounds before their timer runs out, Nathan puts Dylan to bed and goes to meet up with Luke in the lobby. In the real world, Nora shares a moment with her father about reconsidering being uploaded, but his stance remains the same. Nora also makes a breakthrough with her missing memories issue. This breakthrough leads to some more revelations about Nathan’s girlfriend’s family and their powerful connections, which might add to the underlying mystery.

Upload Episode 5 Review

Meanwhile (to no one’s surprise but his), Dylan’s age patch didn’t work as hoped, giving him a teenage male body with very feminine breasts, causing a sight in the hotel. Nora is soon brought up to speed with their adventures in the underbelly of paradise, while her co-worker goes to break up Luke’s hook up in the lobby, which ends badly for Luke. With lessons learned and emotions shared, we move onto the final sequence of the episode.

Fran is on her way to meet Josh, the business executive from Nathan’s memories in Episode 3. She reads a news article which gives her clues to the connection between Jamie and some business men, but before anything more comes of this, her smart car diverts its course, straight to a pier, crashing through the fence and right into the ocean, with her fate left uncertain.

Upload Episode 5 ReviewUpload Episode 5 Review - Marvytvseries.com

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