Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Thor #1-6: The Devourer King


Written by Donny Cates
Penciled by Nic Klein
Published Jan-Aug 2020

   Thor is finally king! And now after the War of the Realms and everything else, he finally gets to enjoy the spoils... right? Nope. Not really. Before long,Galactus shows up and gives them the bad news about the long, black winter. What a drag. Worse yet, Thor has to be the World Eater's new herald thanks to Silver Surfer being sick or something? I dunno.
   So they go to 5 different planets for the the monster to eat so that he'll be strong enough to fight this Black Winter monster. Along the way, fan favorite Beta Ray Bill shows up to "help" Thor rid himself of this slavery. Also, Lady Sif shows up because... I don't know why. All the while, Thor's hammer grows eerily heavier. 
   In the end, Thor uses the power cosmic to turn Galactus into a gigantic bomb and explodes him to rid himself of the Devourer King. And with that, I'm sure everything is fine again, right? Meh.. I probably wouldn't bet on it. More awesome writing from Donny Cates and more than adequate pencils from Nic Klein... I give these an 8/10.

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