Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Immortal Hulk #22-25


Written by Al Ewing
Penciled by Joe Bennet
Published Aug-Nov 2019

Well General, I have to tell you - you've gotten much uglier.

   Now bonded with the Abomination shell, General Fortean is experiencing some less than desirable effects. Meanwhile Betty Banner, Bruce Banner, aka Joe Fixit, Rick Jones and Jackie McGee are on the run when Rick starts glowing and remembering where all the testing on him went down. Unfortunately Alpha Flight knows too, and they walk right into the psychic General Fortean who’s waiting for them - however the Hulk’s crew isn’t far behind.


   With a two front approach, Hulk and Alpha Flight take on the general and his lackeys. They’re pretty much able to hold their own until Abomination spits some gamma acid on Hulk and melts his face off. Up top, Betty, Jackie and Rick confront Dr McGowan.

Rick Jones: International Glowing Superstar.

   While they try to talk the doctor into taking out Abomination, Hulk tears his melting radioactive flesh off and throws it at Fortean’s troops. Finally seeing the general accidentally kill some of his own troops, she agrees to take command of the structure while Hulk finishes the Abomination off. 

Hulk being Hulk.

   Then story wraps with Hulk and Samson agreeing to joint-manage Shadow Base B along with Betty, Joe, Rick and Dr McGowan. And as long as their all on the same side, what could go wrong. With that, other than issue #25 which was insanely over my head, the story comes to a close.

Ok... seriously. What in the hell is this? I paid for this comic book? Regular price?!!! 

   So Al Ewing and Joe Bennett have won several awards for this series and at times, I completely understand why.  Other times, I think they won some awards that maybe made them think they can take this to different, incredibly deep levels, and that’s fine. When they’re telling Hulk stories, it’s great. When they tell stories about hell or evolution - or whatever issue 25 was about, it kinda misses my mark. For what I understood though, I dig it. I give this story a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book below:

Immortal Hulk #22 (Sorry, already sold)
Immortal Hulk #23 (Sorry, already sold)
Immortal Hulk #24
Immortal Hulk #25

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