Thursday, March 12, 2020

Miles Morales: Spider-Man #8-10


Written by Saladin Ahmed
Penciled by Javier Garron
Published July - Sept 2019

Who dat - Who dere?

   Miles awakes to find he’s been taken hostage, and as the situation begins to settle in, realizes he’s in big trouble. Over and over he’s subjected to various feats of strength, but always finds himself back under the watchful eye of the Assessor.
Eventually he gains enough momentum to break free but even then he learns yet another painful lesson.

Aw - more lies?!

   Meanwhile, Uncle Aaron has a rather tempestuous reunion with his brother and sister in law, aka Miles’ very concerned parents. He explains that he thinks he saw Miles essentially get kidnapped. With Jefferson Davis’ SHIELD resume and Aaron in league with expert weaponeer Ceres, he dons his Prowler suit and they break in to where Miles is being held.

Should have taken an elavator.

   Together they fight their way down to the lowest level and before long find their exhausted son and nephew. Freeing him, it’s up to the two brothers to fight their way back topside. Back safe in his mothers’ arms, Miles begins the long road to recuperation as Miles and Aaron celebrate a job well done.

Thanks for the help, my criminal brother.

   Months later, his parents knock on his bedroom door to wish him a happy birthday. Between a long father-son talk and even his best friend Ganke coming over, Miles is feeling the love. Unfortunately they’re interrupted by the original Spider-Man, who between birthday wishes explains to Miles that Brooklyn’s own Spidey is needed at ESU’s Engineering campus. Swinging his way back, he’s discovers why pretty quickly. A rather familiar green monster attacks him but Miles’ has a hard time placing the beast...

Wait, I know that guy!

   Before long, he realizes it’s the Green Goblin but he doesn’t know how. Either way, he’s soon crushed by a gigantic supervilian known as Ultimatum - who also recognizes Miles and bounds away with the goblin in tow. Back home, Miles finally rings in his birthday with his family and Ganke - while Ultimatum meets up with Mayor Wilson Fisk. As they discuss we learn just how tight the Kingpin is with his old friend... Miles Morales? Wow - that’s a shock. But what does it mean? We’ll have to wait to find out as this issue comes to an end.

I mean, it doesn't really LOOK like Miles...

   So life gets crazy but then back to normal for our favorite alt-universe webhead. One of the things I still love about this book is that you can jump into it almost at anytime and not be too removed by what Ahmed is trying to tell us. It’s always a rich story and Garron’s pencils are still as sharp as ever. I really like where this one  is headed, and I give it an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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