Saturday, November 2, 2019

Major X #1-6


Written by Rob Liefeld
Penciled by Rob Liefeld, Brent Peeples, and Whilce Portacio
Published April - June 2019

   Somewhere between the end of the New Mutants and the formation of X-Force, a mysterious time traveler named Major X arrives with his future Beast looking companion and explains to Cable that they're in grave danger. A magical mutant haven dimension known as the X-istance has crumbled apart, and he needs to find the X-Men before it's too late.

Nice to meet you. Now I'm gonna beat you up.

   Before long, a shoulder-pad wearing, Deadpool-alternate named Dreadpool appears. He's been sent to kill the Major and anyone who stands to aid in his mission. Between fighting Major X, M'Koy, Cable, X-Force and Wolverine, we learn the Major is actually Cable's son from the future - Alexander Nathaniel Summers.

But where's that glowing eye thing?

   He explains to them that the X-istance was formed by the X-ential, shortly before the Catalyst brought devastation and ruin to all mutantkind. Through the portals, he also took all of the Atlanteans, but their living conditions in the dimension are slowly poisoning them all to death. Attempting to stop Namor from destroying the X-istance, Cable and Major X timeslide to Cable's underwater armory but are nearly killed before they can transport back.

Back to the Future!

   Having retrieved some time-traveling assistance from his father, they leap to the Watchtower to protect the X-ential from his Atlantean assassins. Instead they meet Dreadpool and the Scourge, and after a long battle are finally captured by the Administrator. Shortly after, Namor's agents apear and it's a three way battle as Major X eventually flees with the mutant savior to Genosha.

Don't worry - they won't bite... much.

   Once there, and standing amidst hundreds of deactivated Sentinels, the X-ential makes contact with Aura - his protege. He announces he is dying, but his essence will be transferred. As his body fades ala Jedi robe dropping, we soon discover it is into Aura. The refuge is short however, and the Administrator soon arrives to the battle but is quickly felled by Aura and her now legions of operable Sentinels.

Well dang - you should have turned those things loose a while ago.

   Back at Atlantis, Namor knows his last chance is to kill Major X-s mother before the mutant can ever be born to protect the X-ential. He sets his sights on the present - to take out the X-Men and Nathan's someday mother to be - Storm. Before long, Namor's leviathan attacks... but Aura feels a imminent change. With no time to lose, an aged Cable and Deadpool arrive from a portal and take out the once again attacking Dreadpool.


    The series ends with a super powerful Aura able to send the Leviathan back to the sea, and capturing an enraged Namor to be later judged before an X-istance tribunal. She fades from the future with her prisoner, and the Major says his goodbyes to his future mother after turning down an offer to join the X-Men. They all walk through the portal, and with that, the future timeline for mutant paradise is saved - and this storyarc comes to a final close.

He was compelled to join the X-Men but time travel is much more fun,

   So reading some reviews on this one, some folks were less than impressed with Rob Liefeld's attempts at a cheap nostalgia grab. I however thought completely differently. If anything, this series rests is a perfect companion piece to New Mutants 98-100 and X-Force 1-2. The artwork is clean and crisp, the story is coherent and rich, and the characters are intricately developed. There was some strange inclusions of Wolverine... and the Dreadpool thing was a little unnecessary - but who cares? That's just what makes it that much more awesome. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book below:

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