Wednesday, June 12, 2019

X-Force #3


Written by Ed Brisson 
Penciled by Dylan Burnett
Published Feb 27, 2019

   While X-Force is battling the Transia mechs, Deathlok is forced to abandon his undercover mission into the mutant prison. Meanwhile, Boom Boom finally joins the war. While there's a lull in the action, Cannonball pulls this weird, young version of Cable aside and gives him the third degree. Satisfied he's legit, the team is willing to follow him. They better hurry though. Ahab, the vicious mutant traitor has the cyborg by the power wires. What'll happen next? Ed Brisson and Dylan Burnett continue one of Marvel's greatest X-books and keep it in good company. I give this one a 10/10.

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