Monday, January 28, 2019

X-Men Black: Emma Frost #1


Written by Leah Williams
Penciled by Chris Bachalo
Published Oct 31, 2018

   I'm beginning to understand what this series is. While it took until the final issue to dawn on me, this is a bridge from X-Men Gold, Blue, etc.. to the new Uncanny X-Men. Basically it's setting all the major X-foes back to zero. Emma Frost decides to recruit the X-Men to help her destroy the Hellfire Club. They agree, but eventually it just turns into her assassinating Sebastian Shaw to rule in his place as the new Black King. It's a little hokey but was probably the first in this series to tell a complete story that actually needed to be told. Not bad, but it unfortunately ruins this week's perfect streak. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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