Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Champions #21


Written by Jim Zub
Penciled by Sean Izaakse
Cover by Stefano Casselli
Published June 20, 2018

   Fresh off Alpha Flight showing up to catch the Master, the Champions aren't all that eager to let the Canadian all stars take away such a progressive supervillain. Fisticuffs break out rather hurriedly, while Spider-Man works to save the brainwashed Amka below the surface.

Hello naked person. I'm Spider-Man.

   Suddenly she morphs into some kind of northern energy abomination, attacking the heroes who immediately announce a truce. Talisman uses her powers to calm the girl down. Now freed from his hold, the girl explains that the Master was using Sila's energy like a battery. Faced with his now protectors turning on him, he destroys the entire machine and I guess runs away.. They never really clear that up.


   With the conflict now settled, Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel apologize to each other while Amka’s mother tells her she should leave home and become a superhero. With that, I guess she’s now in the Champions and this arc comes to a quickly resolved conclusion.


   So leave it up to the young teenage superhero’s to be the ones who want to save the world. And conversely leave it up to the Canadians to zip in and tell them how dumb they are. Honestly though - that’s about everything I genuinely look for in this series. These are the young guard of the Marvel universe, and they should be free to explore the ideals it’ll take to change humanity for the better. It’s good that Jim Zub also puts in that dose of reality. Because while it’s easy enough to suspend belief that people with superpowers exist, it’s even more of a tall order to believe the youth will able to change it. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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